As a justice campaigner and survivor of serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, Mo is invited to speak regularly often representing the charity ‘Victim Support’. She also features on TV, radio and press, talking about her experience and the benefits of art therapy in trauma recovery.

Guest Speaker

2006 Guest speaker for the charity ‘Victim Support’. City Of London Police Headquarters

2007 Guest Speaker for the charity ‘Victim Support’. Park Lane Hotel

2008 Guest speaker for the charity ‘Victim Support’. Chelsea football ground. London

2009 Guest speaker for the charity ‘Victim Support ’. The Royal Courts of Justice


2013 Guest speaker for the charity ‘Victim Support’. City hall, Southwark, London

2022 Guest speaker at the Metropolitan Police headquarters training day via zoom

2023 Guest speaker at the Metropolitan Police headquarters training day Holborn, London

TV & Radio

1996 YTV Documentary, ‘Silent Victims’

2008 ITV News interview on ‘Birds In Flight’ exhibition and fundraising for Victim Support

2012 BBC radio 5 live interview on ‘Birds In Flight’ exhibition

2013 BBC Three counties interview on the Yorkshire Ripper

2013 Chanel 4 documentary interview on the other Sutcliffe murders and attacks

2014 ITV Live interview on ‘This Morning’ on the Speakman’s Schema conditioning treatment.

2015 Channel 5 Interview on TV programme on survivors of Peter Sutcliffe

2018 Channel 4 True Crimes documentary, Peter Sutcliffe

2019 BBC radio 4 Women’s Hour interview with Jane Garvey re surviving the Yorkshire Ripper

2020 Channel 5 ‘Facing Evil’ documentary

2021 BBC Three counties interview re inadequacies of the West Yorkshire Police

2021 ITV news re Projection onto the House of Commons the Symbol of female inequality in the law

2022 Chanel 5 News interview on the death of Peter Sutcliffe